Computer Aided Geometric Design

  • Created: 2015-10-18
  • 2278
Name:Computer Aided Geometric Design
Teacher:Li, Baobin
Computer Aided Geometric Design is a basic course for computer graphics, CAD / CAM and modeling. This course focuses on the basic theory of curves and surfaces, including the commonly used parameters and algebraic curves, surfaces, Bezier, B-spline curves, surfaces, and subdivision methods based on different grid. Through studying this course, students are required to master basic concepts and methods of computer aided geometric desig.
Prerequisite: Advanced Mathematics, linear algebra, Differential Geometry
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Mathematical foundations
Chapter 3 parametric curve representation
Chapter 4 Parametric surface representation
Chapter5 Subdivision surface
1、 T. Theoharis, G.Papaioannou, N.Platis and N.M.Patrikalakis, Graphics & Visualization: Principles and Algorithms,2007.
2、 Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer, Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach, 2002.